Category Archives: The best moment

Part 2: New Year Eve in Moscow

Hellowww… Agaiinn…
Now i will share the rest pics of my trip to moscow πŸ™‚ enjoyy…










Just in case, moscow has been on -1 until -3 celcious degrees while we get there. For us, it was warm enough ( because we usually feel -10 until -30 in Astana on winterπŸ˜„) so we were enjoying the trip so much. Surprisingly Moscow wasn’t snowing yet on December. Amazing! but on 2 January it started snowing. Super late winter! And Moscow doesn’t have extreme wind like Astana. So lovely wheather.. πŸ™‚

So here there are my “Me, My self and I” pictures with moscow.. (Sorry for the narsis thingy 😜)



Lil story about this dog. We can meet the Dog statue in one of metro (like a station for Subway) in Moscow. When
people come to Moscow, they should touch the nose of this dog, and they believe that those who touch the dog, will be back to Moscow again someday.. (Kind a myth) 😊😊 sooo, me, papa and Aliyah already touched it! Hope we will go back to Moscow one day.. Hihihi 😊😊











Sorry but I love donuts! And I can’t find donuts in Astana so I was too excited when I found this restaurant βœŒπŸ˜… Silly me!




Finally it’s a wrapp.. Maybe not all the pictures I showed you here cause will be part 3, and part 4 because so many pics I’ve been taken πŸ˜„. And finally we were going home ( to Astana). Alhamdulillah we had so much fun in Moscow and surely we wanna go back!


And finally, we are so thankful to my family in Moscow, Aa dedi, Teh Ratih, Abang Renov, and the twin Cica and Caca, and mba Santi, thanks for the hospitality, kindness for share, stories, and guiding us to every beautiful places in Moscow. Hope we can meet again.. Aamiin ya Rabbal’alamiin..

Okayy.. Time to back to reality. I will cook for my hubby before hubby is awake.. (Now it’s 5.18 in the morning)

Wassalamualaikum waromatullahi wabarokatuh… ❀❀❀❀❀

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Part 1: New Year Eve in Moscow

Assalamualaikum.. What a nice day!

I’ve just arrived in Astana yesterday morning. Me, hubby n Aliyah spent our New Year Eve in Moscow, Russia. Hehehe πŸ˜„πŸ˜˜πŸ‘
Fortunatelly, me n hubby have the same dream. To travel arround the world. 😊 So this is our first travelling together, n with Aliyah. My precious girl 😘 so just wanna share the pics here.. Don’t be bored, please.. πŸ˜…πŸ˜œ


This pic was taken while we just arrived in Moscow.. 😊


We are ready for New Year 2014 ✨πŸ’₯ there is Ralisha or Caca with us. She is my cousin who lives in Moscow with her parents and fams.


We walked from KBRI Moscow to The Kremlin to see the fireworks but we were late. So we saw the fireworks from the street. Still beautiful πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ‘βœ¨πŸ’₯


We take the pic on the street. happy new year!!!

So there’s our pics when we spent times to see arround the scenery of Moscow, and of course for shopping in the malls! It’s January.. Sale everywhere..! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„




We do love shopping here!





We act like it’s a candid pic. But our faces is so weird here πŸ˜…πŸ˜„

Surprisingly, Me n Rivo met out friend in Moscow. He is Nyoman, we are friends when we studied at Jayabaya University. What a small world!


You know, Moscow have Subway. Most of days we travelled using subway. Love it! Indonesia must have Subway!

okay, we will continue to next post in Part 2: New Year Eve in Moscow. Now I have to cook n prepare before my hubby’s awake! Hehehee..

Stay tuned and See yaaaa …


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Aliyah in action!

Haiii… πŸ˜†πŸ˜†(Again)

I wanna share Aliyah’s pictures and you have to know she’s soooooo cute n funny kiddo.. Now she already 1 years old.. And you will see the pic since she was celebrating her birthday until the last pics i’ve been taken..





Now I’ll share the cutest pics ever πŸ˜„ (lebay)











Hahaha.. Which one is the cutest pics everrrrrrr????? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Another Dream Comes True

Hey world… Wow it is so excited to write down again here.. πŸ˜„ After long long long long time hehe.. Since I have a child, I’m too concern with my real life. Having fun with my baby girl is the best spending time ever. ❀ She tooks my heart and my time so badly. So I don’t have much time to get ‘me time’. Like this time I write it in.. 😊 Sssshshhh… My baby is sleeping right now.. 😝

Oya… Once I have notice you that I will go to the place where my husband is working now. so here I am! I already 1 month and 2 weeks lives in Astana, Kazakhstan. A place I never thought before i could live. Hahahaha.. Yup. Another dream comes true! 😊 I was dreaming that Someday I will live in a country (not Indonesia) which have a snow every year with my hubby n my children. I thought it might be a country in europe or america but Allah’s will is different. Allah sent me to this country. KAZAKHSTAN. Alhamdulillah. 😊
I live in Kazakh’s capital city, Astana. FYI, the coldest city number 2 in the world. IMAGINE…! It has 4 seasons but mostly indonesian people here told me that it just has 2 seasons. ‘Musim Dingin’ dan ‘Musim Dingin bangets’! Hahaha… β›„

Saking dinginnya kali ya. Sekarang ini masih Autumn. Tapi baruuu ajah nih turun salju. It’s stil 4th October but snows are coming. Kata papah winter disini bisa sampai 6 bulan lamanya. Orang2 pd baru mulai kedinginan, kita dah turun salju. Negara lain udah pd mencair saljunya dan jalan2 di musim semi, salju disini masih aja padat hihi… Well, tetep bersyukur bersyukur dan bersyukur. That one thing I have notice. Allah mengabulkan cita-citaku lagi. Allah mewujudkan mimpi-mimpiku lagi lagi dan lagi. Semakin sadar bahwa Allah sayang banget sama diri ini. Bukannya keGRan yah. Tapi apapun keinginan kita kalau diwujudin sama Allah itu harus bersyukur dan Huznuzon sama Allah 😊 walau tiap hari kedinginan begini, tetep bersyukur dan lihat positif side nya. Allah ngabulin cita-citaku yang kepengen liat salju. Kepengen tinggal di luar negeri sama keluarga. Alhamdulillah semua terwujud 😊

pelajaran yang bisa diambil adalah: jangan takut bermimpi. Bahkan mimpilah atau inginkanlah sesuatu yang dirasa tidak mungkin! Bermimpilah yang BESAR! Jangan setengah-setengah. Karena 1,2, 5, 10 atau bahkan 20 tahun lagi mimpi itu bisa jadi MUNGKIN. Karena gak ada yang gak mungkin kalau kita minta nya sama Allah. 😊

I’ll share my pictures anyway. So enjoy.. πŸ‘πŸ˜„







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2012: Blessing!

Menurut ramalan suku maya, bahwa di bulan Desember tahun 2012 akan terjadi kiamat. Bahkan hollywood mengabadikan ramalan tersebut dengan membuat film tntang kiamat yang judulnya 2012. hihi lucu.. πŸ™‚


KArena Allah mengabulkan semua impianku di tahun sebelum-sebelumnya di tahun 2012. Alhamdulillah..

I married with my dream man on January 2012. The best man, husband, and father.. Papah Adhi Yusetiadi. And now papah adhi lagi di kota Astana, Kazakhstan, demi mencari nafkah untuk anak dan istri. πŸ™‚ Dan di tahun 2012 pula kami dikaruniai seorang anak yang cantik. Aliyah Nuralifah Fatimatuzhafira. She’s my life. I love Aliyah so much. DI tahun ini pula ALlah mengabulkan cita-cita suamiku. akhirnya dya mendapatkanΒ pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginannya. Walaupun nun jauh di sana, sama sekali tidak membuat kami berhenti berkomunikasi. Papah terus memantau perkembangan Aliyah dari sana. now i want to share some pictures:

my lovely hubby :*

my lovely hubby :*

Kazakhstan on winter now

Kazakhstan on winter now


saat suhu mencapai -40 derajt celcius. brrrr

saat suhu di Astana mencapai -40 derajt celcius. brrrr


Hehe why i post the view of Kazakhstan?

Just for affirmation that me and Aliyah soon gonna be there.. meet papah.. πŸ™‚ Aamiin.

Sekarang aliyah dah gede lohh. dan mau 2 bulan.. πŸ™‚ :

Aliyah gendud

Aliyah gendud

Hehe ALiyah dah ga sabar pengen nyusul papah.. Sabar ya nak, secepatnya kita nyusul papah :”)

Alasan apa yang membuat gw untuk tidak bersyukur sm Allah? sama sekali gak ada. karena tahun 2012 adalah tahun dimana Allah menjawab semua doa-doa gw. dan mengabulkan semuanya. :’)

SO now, on 2013, i will makeΒ more resolution, and make it happen!

Bissmillah…. welcome 2013 πŸ™‚

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Hellow.. My name is Aliyah

Hellow World! Finally i arrived.

Thanks to my great mom, Mamah, who has struggled with difficulty giving me birth. I love Mamah so much :’)

My Name is Aliyah Nuralifah Fatimatuzhafira. You can call me Aliyah, or Zhafira. I was born in a beautiful Sunday, 4th November 2012 At Duren Tiga Maternity Hospital.

I thank to Allah who create me and send me to my mother’s bully. Now I’m 1 month and 28 days old. And I will be a great daughter for my great mom and dad. πŸ™‚


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