Sharing Tjentil with Mouniche Salon, Spa and Cafe

Couple days ago, i had treatment at MOUNICHE Salon and Spa. This place is high recommended for those who loves spa or treatment, located at Tampak Siring street No. 11, Cipete, South Jakarta.Β  With Middle-East design interior for Spa and treatment. Really pleasureable place for relaxing our body and soul. πŸ™‚

Mouniche Salon, spa, and cafe, Jl. Tampak Siring No. 11, Cipete

Fortunately, the owner is one of my best friends, Viora Yunica Elyano. We can call her Vaya. πŸ™‚ When she knows that I will get married, she gives me free for pre-Marriage treatment. Full body! yeayyy… πŸ™‚

With Vaya and Gita @ Mouniche superb cozy waiting room πŸ™‚

Thanks a bunch for my dear Vaya for the gifts. that’s awesome and i love it. πŸ™‚

Mouniche also has Cafe too.. and our favorite is Pancake Oreo with Ice Cream! And if you order an ice tea, you’ll get a really really big portion of ice tea.. πŸ™‚ Delicioussoooo….

a "realy big" glass of Ice Tea, Pancake Oreo with Ice cream, anda yummy Fried Rice

Mouniche Cafe

Gita and me

Vaya and Iyank

hihi I love this place. so you must come to Mouniche guys and get the best treatment there.. πŸ˜‰

Mouniche Spa in colaboration with Wanangsari Catering and Wedding Organizer to handle my wedding. πŸ™‚ Hope my wedd gonna be awesome too.. πŸ™‚ Amiin…


Twitter: @mouniche_spa

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5 thoughts on “Sharing Tjentil with Mouniche Salon, Spa and Cafe

  1. Bhanu berkata:

    Itu vaya anak asisi bukan sih?yg dulu tinggal di kemang pratama? Ap kbr tuh bocah?ud merid ya??

  2. bhanu berkata:

    mau no vaya dung

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